MATLAB: Different Matlab Sessions


Hey, I'm using matlab both in my workplace and for my academic research. Currently, I'm using two Matlabs- one for work and one for research, so that in each one I have the relevant paths, command-history, and open m files in the editor. I wanted to ask- is there a better way? i want to use only one matlab, and have somekind of "session manager", that will enable me to go back and forth btwn "sessions" (defined by paths, command-history, open m files, maybe even editor-colors, etc..) Thank you

Best Answer

You could accomplish this within one version of MATLAB by using different preferences setting folders for the two sessions. Session #1 would use one preference folder #1, and the session #2 would use preference folder #2. See:
It would be your responsibility to keep these session/preference pairs straight and to use them consistently. You may want to create a BAT file (Windows) or sh file (Linux, Mac) to set the environment variable and launch MATLAB as a single action to minimize the likelihood of making a forgetful error in the future.