MATLAB: Different behaviour of lsqnonlin in Version 2020b

lsqnonlinmatlab versionsOptimization Toolbox

Hi Matlab community!
I've set up a Jenkins server for our simulation code. We have a set of test cases, where output data of our code is compared to reference values from the literature or stable versions of the code. Matlab on jenkins server is Version 2020b.
One of the test cases does not find a physically reasonable starting point with lsqnonlin for further calculations and therefore crashes.
Here are some more information:
  • other test cases, which also utilize lsqnonlin, are running smoothly on the jenkins server
  • the test simulation is running as expected with Matlab 2019b, 2020a and even 2020b on our local machines.
  • the input variables for lsqnonlin is exactly the same as in the versions on our local machines mentioned above.
Here is the output of lsqnonlin with options.Display = 'iter-detailed' on the jenkins server (2020b):
Norm of First-order
Iteration Func-count f(x) step optimality
0 4 2654.41 2.53e+08
1 8 0.011845 0.0155154 9.14e+03
2 12 0.011845 0.303476 9.14e+03
3 16 0.00806019 0.075869 6.07e+04
4 20 0.00368235 0.151738 1.7e+05
5 24 0.00103906 0.1392 4.17e+03
6 28 0.000473188 0.0709188 1.44e+03
7 32 0.000473149 1.20827e-11 0.00672
8 36 0.000473149 1.14514e-16 0.00672
Optimization stopped because the norm of the current step, 1.145139e-16,
is less than options.StepTolerance = 1.000000e-14.
and here for my local machine (2019b):
Norm of First-order
Iteration Func-count f(x) step optimality
0 4 2654.41 2.53e+08
1 8 0.0118525 0.0151844 8.74e+03
2 12 0.0118525 0.303542 8.74e+03
3 16 0.00806673 0.0758855 6.08e+04
4 20 0.00368596 0.151771 1.7e+05
5 24 0.000328772 0.278554 4.66e+04
6 28 0.000328772 0.0406314 4.66e+04
7 32 0.000162278 0.0101578 1.11e+04
8 36 3.50764e-05 0.0203157 3.27e+04
9 40 6.80252e-07 0.00742853 5.4e+03
10 44 4.57863e-11 0.00030108 15.2
11 48 1.0185e-13 1.32724e-05 0.0151
12 52 6.69753e-18 1.04583e-06 0.00509
13 56 2.66823e-18 8.94317e-09 0.0108
14 60 2.24934e-20 2.59502e-10 0.000996
15 64 2.24918e-20 1.17172e-15 0.000996
Optimization stopped because the norm of the current step, 1.171717e-15,
is less than options.StepTolerance = 1.000000e-14.
The first steps seem to be similiar, but after step 6 the jenkins server seems to find no difference in f(x). As mentioned above, all input variables are exactly the same and its even running with 2020b on our local machines.
Additionally here is a list of all installed Tool Boxes on the jenkins server. Maybe there is a dependency of another Tool box, which I am not aware of.
MATLAB Version: (R2020b)
MATLAB License Number: xxxxxx
Operating System: Linux 4.4.0-176-generic #206-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 28 05:02:04 UTC 2020 x86_64
Java Version: Java 1.8.0_202-b08 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode
MATLAB Version 9.9 (R2020b)
Curve Fitting Toolbox Version 3.5.12 (R2020b)
Global Optimization Toolbox Version 4.4 (R2020b)
Optimization Toolbox Version 9.0 (R2020b)
Parallel Computing Toolbox Version 7.3 (R2020b)
Partial Differential Equation Toolbox Version 3.5 (R2020b)
Wavelet Toolbox Version 5.5 (R2020b)
With kind regards,

Best Answer

Hi Dominik,
I understand that you are running the same code on the same version of MATLAB 2020b on two architectures, Jenkins and a local machine, and getting different answers. Unfortunately, the Math Kernel Library (MKL) that ships with MATLAB is architecture-dependent to optimize the architectures' resources when possible (multi-threading, etc.). This is good for performance but can result in the phenoma you describe above. Therefore, two different machines running the same version of MATLAB can call their respective MKLs and get answers with minor differences.
As most optimization algorithms are inherently iterative, these minor differences can propogate and become major differences over many iterations. This is why your results match for the first few iterations before they diverge in later iterations. If an optimization problem has multiple minima, these differences can sometimes cause optimization algorithms to converge to distinct minimizers resulting in substantially different valid answers.