MATLAB: Difference matrix?

cross difference by rowMATLAB

I'm not sure what this is called, but I want to calculate the cross-differences?? of values in a matrix such that:
1 5 8
3 6 7
4 5 2
6 8 1
0 4 7
-4 0 3
-7 -3 0
0 3 4
-3 0 1
-4 -1 0
0 1 -2
-1 0 3
2 -3 0
0 2 -5
-2 0 -7
5 7 0
does anyone know what this is called, and how I can do it?

Best Answer

x = [1 5 8
3 6 7
4 5 2
6 8 1]';
sz = size(x);
C = bsxfun(@minus,reshape(x,1,sz(1),sz(2)),reshape(x,sz(1),1,sz(2)))