MATLAB: Difference between voltage and capacitor voltage

capacitorelectric circuitSimscapesimulink

In simulink- simscape, I use 'capacitor' element. Double click on it> Block parameters> pick variables tab. Now, here we see current, voltage and capacitor voltage. What is the difference between 'voltage' and 'capacitor voltage'? Are not they the same, i.e., the initial value of voltage on capacitor element? What is the difference?
best- erenca

Best Answer

Notice how the block has a "Series resistance" parameter? It means you can configure the block to have a resistor in series.
The "Voltage" initial condition accounts for the initial voltage of resistor + capacitor, whereas "Capacitor voltage" does the capacitor alone. Up to you which one you want to use, so long as they both don't conflict each other.
- Sebastian