MATLAB: Difference between these 2 operations: D = M’ * M then P’ * D * P and P’ * (M’ * M) * P.


Hi all,
Imagine I have
M = rand(N, N);
P = rand(N, 3);
where N is a VERY large scalar, then for these 2 functions: 1.
function C = test1(M, P)
D = M' * M;
C = P' * D * P;
and 2.
function C = test2(M, P)
C = P' * (M' * M) * P;
so the output C are both 3-by-3 matrices. Is the 2nd function more efficient and cost less storage than the 1st one? I think so because in the 2nd fucntion I do not physically compute M' * M, is this correct?

Best Answer

No, the assumption is not correct. The matrix in the parentheses is calculated and stored as a temporary array. There is no way to avoid the explicit calculation and in my speed measurements both takes exactly the same time.
By the way, this is 8 times faster:
function C = test3(M, P)
C = P' * M' * M * P;
And even faster:
function C = test4(M, P)
D = M * P;
C = D' * D;
The result differ by rounding effects only.
Some code for testing:
L = 10; % Number of loops
N = 1000;
M = rand(N, N);
P = rand(N, 3);
% Warm up! Ignore!
for k = 1:L
C = P' * (M' * M) * P;
for k = 1:L
D = M' * M;
C1 = P' * D * P;
for k = 1:L
C2 = P' * (M' * M) * P;
for k = 1:L
C3 = P' * M' * M * P;
for k = 1:L
D = M * P;
C4 = D' * D;
Elapsed time is 1.596403 seconds.
Elapsed time is 1.606413 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.159568 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.071261 seconds.
Check the results:
(C - C1) ./ C
(C - C2) ./ C
(C - C3) ./ C
(C - C4) ./ C
All relative differences are in the magnitude of EPS - for some random input data. This might be different for your case, so check this.