MATLAB: Difference between console window and desktop Command Window

console windowdesktop command windowdiary

This is a very simple question, but I am not so sure about it. From my point, I think they are the same thing, but when I read documentation of diary,
doc diary
there are some contents in the following about the console window and desktop command window.
Viewing the output of diary in a console window might produce different results compared to viewing diary output in the desktop Command Window.
One example is using the \r option for the fprintf function; using the \n option might alleviate that problem.
Maybe some one can tell me with a screenshot, what is the difference between them?
Thanks forward!! Xiaodi

Best Answer

Well one difference is that when you've compiled your program and run it, you get (unless you suppress it) an operating system console window that is essentially supposed to be like the command window. It needs to do that because with a compiled program the full MATLAB development environment is not there so it creates this console window for output. HOWEVER the formatting (line wrap, spacing, etc.) is controlled by the operating system rather than MATLAB so there is a possibility things might look slightly different.