MATLAB: Difference beteween gtcc function and audioFeatureExtractor

audioAudio Toolboxgtcc

I am trying to compare the build-in function gtcc() and extract() for extracting the GTCC features of an audio
By using gtcc function as:
features_gtcc = gtcc(x,fs,"LogEnergy","ignore");
and using extract as:
extractor = audioFeatureExtractor("SampleRate",fs, …
"Window",hamming(round(0.03*fs),"periodic"), … % Defalt overlap and window size for gtcc function
"OverlapLength",round(0.02*fs), …
features_extract = extract(extractor,x);
Two results are different.
Could anyone tell me why is that please?

Best Answer

Problem solved, it is because the parameter settings
the default setting in two functions is different:
audio feature extractor:
ERB spectrum default setting is:
Num band: 34
Spectrum type: power:
frequency [0, 8000]
The gtcc default setting is
Num band : 32
Spectrum type: Magnitude:
"FrequencyRange", [50, fs/2]
Make them the same ==> problem solved