MATLAB: Difference ./ and / with constant

.//after commadivide array by constantelement-wise divisionlogic errorroundsignificant-digitstrailing zeros

I've noticed something strange and I want to understand why this is the way it is. Simple example: take a random matrix A = [0.1234;0.5678;0.9012], the I divide this by the same constant c = 1.225 in two ways: ./ (right array division) and / (regular division).
B = A ./ c
C = A / c
The result they each give seems the same (at first glance):
But when I use a simple loop (see further) to determine the number of significant digits after the comma, so before the trailing zeros, they are not the same. The last logical test with the round functions that passes is:
N = 15;
round(B(1,1),N) == C(1,1)
Starting at N = 14 and lower, the logic test fails. So this means that one of both operators (I'm guessing the ./) fixes the significance at 14 digits after the comma.
My question: Why is this and how do I get around this?
Loop to determine the significance:
function [ sigdig ] = signDig( commaNumber )
% Find the significant digits after the comma
% » count backwards to finish with the smallest N value possible
% » till -100 included
% Interpretation:
% N > 0: significanct to N digits to the right of the decimal point.
% N = 0: significanct to the nearest integer.
% N < 0: significanct to N digits to the left of the decimal point.
% If array, it will loop all commaNumbers and return the max significance
% If single value, it will return the sign of that value
for i = 1:length(commaNumber)
for N = 100:-1:-100
if round(commaNumber(i),N) == commaNumber(i)
sigdig(i,1) = N;
sigdig = max(sigdig);

Best Answer

OK, I guess it's a bit late here (5 a.m.) and I should go to bed. I solved my own problem by using
format long
The result of the ./ and / division remains the same, e.g.:
B(1,1) = 0.100734693877551
C(1,1) = 0.100734693877551
B(1,1) == C(1,1)
does yield a logical true.
It is also quite logical that e.g.:
N = 12;
round(B(1,1),N) == C(1,1)
yields a logical false, as this is actually
0.100734693878 == 0.100734693877551
which of course is not equal.
I answered my own question for anyone who might be as confused as I was. Sorry to waste your time.