MATLAB: Didn’t recognize full workers when using ‘matlabpool’

parallel computingParallel Computing Toolbox

I have trouble in connecting to full labs for the parallel computing.
>> matlabpool open
Starting matlabpool using the 'local' profile ... connected to 2 labs.
As you can see above, only two labs could be connected for the parallel computing, but I am using quad-core PC that means four labs have to be connected. Moreover, the strange thing is that four labs was connected when using the Matlab version R2008a (Now I am using Matlab version R2012a).
Would you help me out with that problem?
Thank you.
Seongjun Park

Best Answer

I would venture to guess that you have a machine with hyper-threading. This essentially means that two cores are presented as four. You can read more about it here:
If you wish to open four labs, you can do so by using Kaustubha's suggestion or by changing the NumWorkers property of the local scheduler to have four.
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