MATLAB: Did the fonts in the GUI become larger after installing Mac OS x10.5.7


I just installed the Mac OS x10.5.7 update and now GUI fonts and GUI components are larger than they were before. Also, I can see a difference comparing text with the same font style and font size typed into a generic text editor.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 2011a (R2011a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This behavior is due to a change in the ScreenPixelsPerInch display info returned by Mac in Mac OSX 10.5.7. To prevent this behavior from occurring, make the uicontrols independent of the ScreenPixelsPerInch by setting all units to 'pixels'.
For example, you can create a pushbutton in the following fashion
uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','string','Moose','units','pixels','position',[ 10 10 150 20 ],'fontunits','pixels','fontsize',18);
Alternatively, you can make the uicontrol obey the ScreenPixelsPerInch property by using character units, inches, or some other common unit. Character units allow you to set the fontsize in points, and the uicontrol in increments of that font at that size.
uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','string','Moose','units','characters','position',[ 1 1 15 1.5 ],'fontsize',18);
For a temporary workaround to this issue, you can set the 'screenPixelsPerInch' property of the root object to 75.
set(0,'screenPixelsPerInch', 75);