MATLAB: Device arm_dap_0 is not programmable with FPGA in the loop tutorial.

fpgafpga in the loopMATLABvhdlvivado

Hello all, i'm following the FPGA in the loop tutorial and i'm stuck with the following error: Device arm_dap_0 is not programmable.
I created a custom board file using the specs given by digilent. I have an Arty Z7020.
I'm working on Ubuntu 18.04.05 LTS and using a micro-USB cable connected to the progUART port of my board. The blue jumper (don't know if that is the name) is connected in JTAG configuration.
I have already downloaded the VHDL verifier, and generation for Xillinx add ons. And currently run the Vivado WebPAck with Vitis on a student license.
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Arty_Z7020 is the member of zynq family and this feature is not supported for HDL_verifier workflow as of now.
You can use other such configurations which supports as of now.
Pre release can be seen here which will be added in later features:
Hope it helps !