MATLAB: Development of algorithms for Parrot Minidrone Mambo

Aerospace Blocksetcode generationcomputer visionmambominidroneparrotparrot minidronessimulinksimulink coder

Hello everybody, I am thinking of buying a mambo minidrone to use it with MATLAB Simulink and the Parrot Minidrones support package and would now like to know how the algorithms are executed exactly. Is the whole code transferred to the drone by code generation? This would make me wonder if the drone is powerful enough to solve vision applications like object detection. Or is the data processed on the host PC and commands sent to the drone via bluetooth?
I would appreciate an answer very much.
Best regards Andreas

Best Answer

Hello, Andreas
Considering what I have done so far both scenarios are possible. You could process the data on a desktop PC and send the commands/references via Bluetooth, being aware of the delays involved, or do everything embedded. From my delay measurements I have obtained an approximate conservative value of 40ms for sending data and receiving it back, at least on my actual setup. If you intend to use the PARROT Mambo with the FPV camera, I do not know if MATLAB/Simulink supports it directly, I would suggest you to see your options of image acquisition first.