MATLAB: Determining Quadrants in a Matrix


if x>0 & y>0
elseif x<0 & y>0
elseif x<0 & y<0
elseif x>0 & y<0
elseif x<-128 & y<-128 & x>128 & y>128
'Invalid Values'
With this code, I'm trying to put separate points into a matrix. However, my code doesn't do anything with the values as far as I have seen. I was trying to put the quadrant values into a third column so that I could code the script to count all points in each quadrant, so there is a reason for it. If you have any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.

Best Answer

The if command evaluates the condition as a scalar. This is logical, because what could this mean:
if [true, false]
? Is this true or not? Therefore Matlab inserts a all() in the condition, if the user forgot this. So you have:
if all(x>0 & y>0)
And this is never true. What you want is:
index = (x>0 & y>0);
matrix(index, 3) = 1;
The last condition is magic:
elseif x<-128 & y<-128 & x>128 & y>128
You are looking for numbers which are smaller than -128 and larger than 128? You want an or.