MATLAB: Determining particular solution of 3×3 matrix using variation of parameters

MATLABmatrix multiplicationsystem of equationsvariation of parameters

If I am correct in my process for variation of parameters for a matrix:
I already have my general solution that was solved (with some help…thanks!) via undetermined coefficients.
I then need to take the inverse of that matrix.
Then I multiply the inverse by the non-homogeneous part of the equation. And this is where I get stuck…
I can then take the integral of the resulting matrix for my particular solution…
Is taking this approach flawed in general? Or is there something simple that I am missing when I try to multiply the inverse by the non-hom. part?
Thank you for any insight.
Here is my general solution:
>> null(evs(1)*Id3-A)
ans =
>> null(evs(2)*Id3-A)
ans =
>> null(evs(3)*Id3-A)
ans =
And this is where the trouble begins…
>> A = sym([152/21,0,0;-57/7,-1/7,0;0,0,1]);
>> Y=inv(A)
Y =
[ 21/152, 0, 0]
[ -63/8, -7, 0]
[ 0, 0, 1]
>> B = sym([-1575,0,0]);
>> Y*B
??? Error using ==> mupadmex
Error in MuPAD command: dimensions do not match [(Dom::Matrix(Dom::ExpressionField()))::_mult2]
Error in ==> sym.sym>sym.mtimes at 180
X = mupadmex('mllib::mtimes',A.s,B.s);

Best Answer

Remove sym()