MATLAB: Determining indices of double type cells in a cell array of char and double type cells

bioinformaticscell array

hie. i have a cell array that contains several cells of of type char which are separated by cells of type double. actually there are several 'fasta' strings that belong to different folding classes. so the cells containing the fasta strings are separated by the double type cells that contain the number of the folding class. all i want is to determine the indices of these double type cells in the cell array. i feel it is really easy.i dunno why i can't find the solution.can anybody help?

Best Answer

See if this solves your problem
c = {'cat',1,'bird',22,'elephant',3}; %an example of data in the format you have
ind = find(cellfun(@isnumeric,c) == 1);
This will return the indices of the numeric data in your cell array. If you want an indicator instead for whether an element is numeric, use just cellfun(@isnumeric,c) instead.