MATLAB: Determining how many identical values


Let's say that I have an array of size n and each value in the array is a randomly generated value from 1 to 100. I'll use randi for this.
For example, lets says the array were a size 7 and the generated matrix was [30 17 94 28 28 19 19]. I want a method that can output a value of 4 since there area total of 4 values that are identical to another within the array. What is a simple though not necessarily the most efficient way of determining how the number of values that are identical?

Best Answer

They've been making lots of changes to the histogram routines over the last couple of versions, which makes it harder/longer for us to give answers to questions like yours. Assuming you have a recent version, you can use histcounts() and sum the bins that have counts of 2 or more:
n = 7
r = randi(100,n,1)
% Test case

r = [30 17 94 28 28 19 19]
[counts, edges] = histcounts(r, min(r):max(r)) % a new function!
binsOfDuplicates = counts >= 2
numDuplicates = sum(counts(binsOfDuplicates))
If you have an old version, you can use histc(), which has now been deprecated:
n = 7
r = randi(100,n,1)
% Test case
r = [30 17 94 28 28 19 19]
counts = histc(r, min(r):max(r))
binsOfDuplicates = counts >= 2
numDuplicates = sum(counts(binsOfDuplicates))