MATLAB: Determine if there are 3 consecutive rows and columns in a list of subscripts


I have a 28×2 matrix (see printout below) of subscript values (row, col) and I want to determine if there are 3 consecutive rows and then 3 connective columns coming stemming from a single reference point in the list of subscripts. From the example list below, the answer to this questions would be 'yes'. This is because the 3 consecutive rows are (44,13), (45,13), (46,13), and the 3 consecutive columns are (44,13), (44,14), (44,15). How would I execute this in matlab? I was thinking of using diff(A) to determine changes in subscript values but I am unsure exactly how. Sorry if this is confusing at all, wasn't sure how to explain my problem.
A =
43 15
44 13
44 14
44 15
44 16
45 12
45 13
45 14
45 15
45 16
46 12
46 13
46 14
46 15
46 16
47 12
47 13
47 14
48 11
48 12
48 13
49 11
49 12
49 13
50 11
50 12
50 13

Best Answer

map=conv2( accumarray(A,1), ones(3),'same');
any3x3 = any(map(:))>=9