MATLAB: Detect orientation of screw image

image processingmachine vision

The screw as shown in the image is not completely horizontal. I would like to detect the orientation of screw and form a new image that can make sure that the screw is completely horizontal. Is there a way to do that?

Best Answer

Using this script lets you know which angle to rotate. Then use this information to rotate the image and check the orientation again:
%% read image and find points that should lie on a straight line
img = rgb2gray(imread('20.bmp'));
res = detectHarrisFeatures(img,'MinQuality', 0.1, 'ROI', [1 386 762 20]);
% Extract coordinates of the points

x_vals = double(res.Location(:,1));
y_vals = double(res.Location(:,2));
% find slope and offset of the line formed by the points and use arctan to

% estimate the angle the srew is different from horizontal orientation

slope_and_offset = polyfit(x_vals, y_vals,1);
angle = atand(slope_and_offset(1));
fprintf('\nThe screw is oriented %.5f degree to the horizontal.\n', angle)
%% rotate the image
img_rot = imrotate(img,angle);
% search points again on rotated image
res_new = detectHarrisFeatures(img_rot,'MinQuality', 0.1, 'ROI', [1 395 762 10]);
% Extract coordinates of the points
x_vals_rot = double(res_new.Location(:,1));
y_vals_rot = double(res_new.Location(:,2));
% find slope and offset of the line formed by the points and use arctan to
% estimate the angle the srew is different from horizontal orientation
slope_and_offset_rot = polyfit(x_vals_rot, y_vals_rot,1);
angle_rot = atand(slope_and_offset_rot(1));
fprintf('\nThe screw is oriented %.5f degree to the horizontal after rotation.\n\n', angle_rot)
%% plot results
hold on
title('Original Image')
hold off
hold on
title('Corrected Image')
hold off
The keypoint is to define the ROI to the algorithm, so that you only detect points that are valid to reach high presicion.
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