MATLAB: Detect errors on GUI


Hello, I want to make an .exe program using guide. I designed everything.
I want to detect the errors on my code because of the input values. For example for the input value if I input an absurd value (high or low) it gives "Index exceeds matrix dimensions" error on the command window. Now i can see that. But when i create .exe how can I understand the error? Is it possible?
Or, if I get an any kind of error, how can i write "NaN" or "0" to the results section (edit texts).
Thank in advance.

Best Answer

You should be coding in such a way that you never get those index errors: your code should be testing the user input range or calculated range before doing the indexing.
In the meantime, you should be putting try/catch clauses in your code to detect and display errors that do occur.
output = myfunction();
catch ME
output = nan;