MATLAB: Design verifier :run all and produce coverage for a sldvmakeharness created model

model converage analysis harnessSimulink CoverageSimulink Design Verifiersimulink test

After I use MATLAB 17b to generate harness model by using 'sldvmakeharness' function, the harness model and its signal builder display successfully.
Normally I will click the 'run all and produce coverage' button in signal builder to test All cases and produce a model coverage report.
Rather than click button, can I produce the coverage report programmly?
I've spend a lot of time to search commands for this but nothing I can found…

Best Answer

Hi Jiahao,
I recommend using sldvrun to generate tests with Design Verifier, then sldvruntest to run the tests and cvhtml to generate a report. An example workflow is included in the documentation for sldvruntest, which I've copied here:
opts = sldvoptions;
opts.Mode = 'TestGeneration';
opts.SaveHarnessModel = 'on';
opts.SaveReport = 'off';
[ status, files ] = sldvrun('sldvdemo_cruise_control', opts);
runOpts = sldvruntestopts;
runOpts.coverageEnabled = true;
[ outData,covData ] = sldvruntest('sldvdemo_cruise_control',...
- Pat
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