MATLAB: Describing variable in gui


function ddddd_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
handles.output = hObject;
global m ; !!!!
guidata(hObject, handles);
I described a variable but I can not see it in workspace. To see in workspace I have to write it in command window. can it possible to describe a variable which is shown in workspace during function works.

Best Answer

"main page workspace" is not according to Matlab nomenclature. See the help topic, Base and Function Workspaces
workspace is also the name of a function, which opens the Workspace Browser.
"see it in workspace" I assume that you refer to the Workspace Browser.
Now, I need to provide a link to "scope" or "current scope", but I fail to find one. Too bad, because "scope" is an important concept in this context. TMW, do you listen?
The reason you don't see the variables in the Workspace Browser is probably that the variables in question are created in the workspace of a function and that you look for them after the function has finished execution. Then the Workspace Browser displays the variables of the base workspace.
>> global m
interactively to include the variable, m, in the base workspace.