MATLAB: Deploytool Problem


Hi, I am having a problem running MATLAB deploytool.
We have two computers with MATLAB installed on them. One machine definitely does not have the compiler license.
However, the other machine definitely does (I know this becaue when I click on start, and hover over MATLAB, I can see MATLAB compiler as one of the options.
However, when I click on deploytool (or type deploytool into the command window), nothing happens. The deploytool GUI does not open and no error message is displayed.
Do I need to set the compiler up somehow before using it?
Kind Regards, David Graham.

Best Answer

you don't have to setup anything before you are able to open the deploytool. Please check if the license work correctly through typing
in MATLAB. One should be returned.
Does the Compiler works at all? So you can compile a small example, e.g. through mcc -m your_test_function.m?
What happens when you call the deploytool through
com.mathworks.mde.deploytool.plugin.PluginManager.allowMatlabThreadUse(); com.mathworks.toolbox.compiler.plugin.DeploytoolCommandLineParser.parse([], pwd);