MATLAB: Deploytool error while building

deploytoolMATLAB Compilermcr

I am trying to create an exe file from my matlab code that will be used in a computer that does not have matlab installed. For that I use deploytool GUI. I click Windows standalone application. I add my main file and click build but I get and error message
Run mbuild -setup to specify the default compiler options file.
I go to settings -> Advanced
there External complier settings section , External C/C++ Complier section is red and has a message on " Run mbuild -setup to specify the default compiler options file. "
However, I do not have any C++ or C files in my code just Matlab code. Any idea what is the problem?
I also have one more problem, when I start deploytool it gives me 4 options
  • Windows Standalone applications
  • Console applications
  • C shared library
  • C++ shared library
but the person that I am going to send the exe file uses Mac and linux so how can I make my exe file compatible with those OS.
Thank you

Best Answer

  1. You need to install and setup a C/C++ compiler because MATLAB Compiler generates C files that call into MATLAB runtime libraries, that need a C compiler to generate a .exe file.
  2. To create an executable compatible with Linux/Mac, you need to use MATLAB Compiler on those platforms. You should be able to talk to MathWorks Installation/Licensing support to get Linux and Mac installations tied to the same license number that you're using on Windows.