MATLAB: Deployment Tools


I had created a GUI in MATLAB and wants that some of my friends who are not having matlab with them can use my GUI. Then i have heard about the deploytool..
But when i buil my project in the deployment tool, it is giving an error "The Application name must be a valid C Identifier".
This is how i am doing everything.. >>deploytool then a graphical user interface of deploy tool gets opened. where in the main function i load the .m file of my gui.. but when i build my project it is giving an error.. "The Application name must be a valid C Identifier".
What to do now.. Pls tell me…

Best Answer

Your application name needs to consist entirely of the the upper or lower case Latin letters A, B, C, to Z, together with the ten decimal digits, 0, 1, 2, to 9, together with underscore.
Your application name cannot contain spaces or any national character or any character such as $ or [ or period.