MATLAB: Deployed audioplayer object(function) does not work on the target machine due to failure in loading intervaltimer.dll

audioplayercorrupted pathintervaltimer.dllMATLAB Compilerplay audiostandalone

I have created a standalone application from my GUI that uses audioplayer object and has some abilities such as stop, resume and pause of audio files and also shows a pointer on the plot which part of the data is being played that is why I used audioplayer object. The GUI works fine on my own PC where I created the standalone and the intervaltimer.dll is loaded in asyncio.Channel object, however, when I install the standalone on the target machines which use the matlab MCR, I get the error message ' Failure to load the converter plug-in'. The MCR version installed on the target machines is v85 and I also checked and made sure that the called dll files exist in the corresponding path in the MCR. Interestingly, all the other dll files required for my standalone are correctly being executed even the ones to initiate the audioplayer but as soon as that play(audioplayer) is called this error occurs.
It seems to be a path issue in IntervalTimer.m class.
Has anyone ever used successfully audioplayer in a standalone? I appreciate any help and suggestion.

Best Answer

I believe this issue is the same as described in this bug report:
The workaround and patch provided in the bug report should resolve this error.