MATLAB: Deployed Application not able to install using web installer in CentOS6

centosMATLAB Compiler

I am using MATLAB 2019b. OS is CentOS6 (RHEL6)
I followed these steps:
1) Wrote a MATLAB code "SampleApp.m"
2) Using deploytool, build it as a "stand alone application". "Runtime download from web" options was selected.
3) In "for redistribution" folder, SampleAppInstaller_web.install file was generated.
In terminal, I tried to install it using command and got the following error
$ sudo ./SampleAppInstaller_web.install
Error: Download process failed – Couldn't connect to server
. Check your internet connectivity, proxy server, firewall, and virus scanner settings and rerun the installer.
Installation failed.
I have checked the internet settings, set the proxy and disabled firewall. The "yum update" command is also working fine.
What could be the reason for the error ? Is there any limitation of support for CentOS 6 ?

Best Answer

I am not sure your network environment but you can download MATLAB Runtime from your web browser:
If you changed the proxy server in your MATALB configulation window, please try to deploy your application again because the deployed application inherits almost all of environmental settings of your latest development environment.
note: R2019b requires Red Hat 6.7 and later