MATLAB: Denoting vertical lines with numbers

denoting line

VLX = repmat(xy(60:60:end), 2, 1); % Vertical Line ‘x’ Locations
VLY = repmat(ylim, 24, 1)'; % Vertical Line ‘y’
% h=gcf; set(h.Children,'Xlim',[min_after_mn(f,1)-200 min_after_mn(f,1)+60]);
Hi, the above code draws vertical lines on my plot. I want to give every vertical line a number independent of the x axis. is that possible? for instance, line 1 is denoted as 1, linte 2 is denoted as 2 and so on…

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Read about text.
k = repmat(1:10,10,1) ;
%%number the line
x = ones(10,1) ; y = (1:10)' ;
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