MATLAB: Deleting Values Less Than Maximum Value


Hey guys,
I imported an excel sheet (force and strain values from a tensile test) and when I removed the extensometer, the strain values repeat themselves. The maximum value of the strain occurs when the extensomoter is removed and after that, the strain repeats itself until the test is over. I was wondering if there was a loop I could write that would remove the repeating strain values so I can plot them.
So far I have tried:
for Strain_Norm == Strain_Max
Strain_Norm = [];
for Strain_Norm < Strain_Max
Strain = Strain_Norm;
I want to be able to just plot the strain values that do not repeat themselves. I know I can use the unique function, but some of my data points repeat themselves once or twice before the extensometer is removed, and I will still like to plot those points.
I am new at Matlab and am wondering if that is even the correct syntax I appreciate all and any help THanks!

Best Answer

I answered something fairly similar to that in your duplicate question
Try this:
% Find rows that have strain values of "the maximum strain value";
rowsToDelete = strain >= Strain_Max;
% We don't want those rows because they are bad data.
% So delete those rows from the strain array.
strain(rowsToDelete) = [];
% Delete those rows from the force array also.
force(rowsToDelete) = [];
You might want to do
rowsToDelete = strain >= (Strain_Max - tolerance);
just in case there are values that are pretty high - higher than acceptable - but not exactly the max.