MATLAB: Deleting temporal path files

MATLABpath directories

When starting MATLAB R2017b for MacOSX I obtain the following messages:
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory:
/Users/jpeinado/Desktop/2018-JCAM-costayher-(revisionmetodos)/Codigos_hermites_2017 (01-06_2018)
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory:/Users/jpeinado/Desktop/2018-JCAM-costayher-(revision
metodos)/Codigos_hermites_2017 (01-06_2018)/Resultados_pr_met_cos
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory:
/Users/jpeinado/Desktop/2018-JCAM-costayher-(revisionmetodos)/Codigos_hermites_2017 (01-06_2018)/Resultados_pr_met_cos_old
I think these are former directories, but I dont know how to reset these paths

Best Answer

Open the tool to manage the path:
There is a corresponding button in the toolbar also.
By the way, you can find such methods by asking an internet search engine for "Matlab remove folder from path".