MATLAB: Deleting rows from a uitable

handle graphicsMATLABuitable cellselectioncallback

My question appears to be rather simple, but I haven't been able to come across a solution yet. Suppose we have a pushbutton that will be used to delete a given row within said uitable. I need to get the information as to which row is selected before I delete it.
So, first of all, how do I select an entire row in the uitable (i seem to be restricted to selecting cells), and secondly, what type of callback (CellSelectionCallBack perhaps) should I be looking to get.
Finally, how do I get the information from this callback, i.e. is it possible to store the row number in a variable?

Best Answer

You can not select a column or a row currently (2010b). You can select cells. You might be able to hack something together from that selection. Is that something you are willing to do? If so, edit your question to reflect this.