MATLAB: Deleting ‘NaN’ rows out of a table

cell arraydeletenanrowtable

Hi everybody!
I got: A table (18316×4). Within the last two columns I got strings representing time (saved in cells). So sometimes instead of a date, here I can find a string called "NaN".
I'd like to: Remove those "NaN" rows I can find in my 3rd column, so later on I can transform my string-dates into real datetimes.
What I got so far: Only the idea of using the function "isnan" (though here I get the error message, that it is undefined for input arguments of type cell OR that I got too many input arguments)or the function "find" … Which doesn't work either.
My question: How can I easily remove the "NaN"-Strings out of my table, or better say, the whole row where I can find one?
I appreciate all help I get! Best regards.

Best Answer

Convert to datetime first. The nan will become NaT. Then use