MATLAB: Deleting Entries in an Array

arraysdoublefindMATLABmatrix array

I am working with a 1627×11 array, labelled A, and I want to delete the entries that have 0 in the 9th column (i.e delete the whole row).
V = A(:,9);
A(vals)=[ ];
after running that code, the array converts to an 1×16617 double – which is not wat I anticipated nor want.
To reiterate, the 9th column which has a sort of counter is used to keep track of which point I am working with, and I do not want to include the rows which are in the 0th point.
Rows 0 to 1280 contains 0 in the 9th column (this was done by observing the array), so I should have a 347×11 array after running the code.
What am I doing wrong

Best Answer

Hi Ramitha,
You almost got it. For your last line of code, try
The way you tried it at first uses linear lindexing (see sub2ind)