MATLAB: Delete values in the array


I'm having trouble developing a script. The problem:
In a matrix with positive and negative numbers, delete the values "greater and equal" and "smaller and equal" a certain value. Example:
Delete values above 100 and below -100
if anyone can help.

Best Answer

Deleting single elements from a matrix does not really make much sense. Lets have a look at a simple case:
>> A = [1,2;3,101;4,5]
A =
1 2
3 101
4 5
If we try to delete the element > 100, then we end up with something that is not a matrix, and cannot be stored in MATLAB:
1 2
3 <- what happens here?
4 5
So what can we do instead of creating that empty space? The answer is one of two things:
1. Replace the value with another value, e.g. zero or NaN:
>> A(A>100) = NaN
A =
1 2
3 NaN
4 5
2. Delete an entire row or column, e.g. here I delete the whole second row:
>> X = any(A>100,2)
X =
>> A(X,:) = []
A =
1 2
4 5