MATLAB: Delete rows of different permutations of same set


Say I have an mx4 matrix A. The rows of A contain different digits from 0-9, but many of them have the digits in a different order. I'd like to have Matlab find all of the rows with the exact same digits and then delete all but one. In other words, I want to delete all but one permutation of each set of digits.
For example, say:
A = [5 8 3 2
5 8 2 3
5 3 8 2
7 1 2 3
7 1 3 2]
The result should be:
A = [5 8 3 2
7 1 2 3]
or similar. Is there an easy way to implement this?

Best Answer

[~,idx] = unique(sort(A,2),'rows','stable')
A = A(idx,:)