MATLAB: Delete Empty Rows in a Cell Array

cell arraycell arraysdeleterowxlsreadxlswrite

Hello. Here's what I am trying to do.
1. Read in data from Excel in a cell array.
2. Delete the empty rows (i.e., rows with no data).
3. Write the array to a sheet in Excel.
So far, my code deletes the first empty row but then goes no farther.
Here is what I have based on
[~, ~, DeleteEmptyWilliams]=xlsread('StimuliInExcel.xlsx', 'WilliamsList')
for m = 1:124
NewWilliams=DeleteEmptyWilliams(~all(cellfun('isempty',DeleteEmptyWilliams(:,1:8)), 2),:)
I have also tried the following code by adding (m,1:8), but it doesn't work either—instead, I get this error: "Index exceeds matrix dimensions". I expect this error occurred because I am deleting rows as I go, so the array's dimensions change.
[~, ~, DeleteEmptyWilliams]=xlsread('StimuliInExcel.xlsx', 'WilliamsList')
for m = 1:124
NewWilliams=DeleteEmptyWilliams(~all(cellfun('isempty',DeleteEmptyWilliams(m,1:8)), 2),:)
I tried the following code based on the suggestion at, but that did not work. I get this error: "Input array is empty".
[~, ~, DeleteEmptyWilliams]=xlsread('StimuliInExcel.xlsx', 'WilliamsList')
for m = 1:124
NewWilliams=DeleteEmptyWilliams(all(cellfun(@isempty,DeleteEmptyWilliams(:,1:8)), 2),:)
I would appreciate any help you can provide.

Best Answer

Why not just use readtable() to read in the file, then use all() and ismissing() to remove totally empty rows?
Attach a workbook with the paperclip icon if you want a demo.