MATLAB: Delete Data from a Cell Array

delete data from a cell array

I have an array called AA that contains 36 cells ( inside each cell there is another 36 matrix each matrix contains 36 Rows and 30 Columns ). as shown in the attached image
I have written For Loop in order to delete from each Cell the whole data of the first Column and store the new array Called AA1 but it doesn't work
for mm1=1:36
For Example: in the first iteration, I'd like to remove AA1{1}{1} in the second iteration, I'd like to remove AA1{2}{2} and so on
really appreciate any help. Kind Regards.

Best Answer

Calling your cell arrays AA, AA1, AA2 is not a particularly good idea. These are completely meaningless names that just obfuscate the purpose of the code and makes it hard to debug.
Anyway. It's not clear what you mean by delete AA1{x}{x}. Do you want to change AA1{x} into a 1x35 cell array, or you want the content of AA1{x}{x} to be an empty matrix?
Either way,
AA1 = AA; %please use better names
for diagidx = 1:numel(AA) %don't hardcode sizes
AA1{diagidx}(diagidx) = []; %to get 1x35 cell arrays
%AA1{diagidx}{diagidx} = []; %to get 1x36 cell array with column x an empty matrix
As per Stephen's comment, your data structure is making it harder to manipulate. I would recommend you use a 2D cell array:
AA = vertcat(AA{:});