MATLAB: Delete all values in a row after the first value

changing values in matrixreplace valuessum not bigger than 1

Hi everyone
I have a matrix with 3000 rows and 4 columns. the values in the matrix are just one and zero. The sum of each row can just be one. In some rows the sum is 2. What I want now is to delete all 1 after the first 1. So in my matrix in each row I just want the first vaue 1 and all the following values in this matrix should be 0.
For example: row number 345: 0001000 1 0000 change to 0001000 0 0000
thank you for your help.

Best Answer

m = 10 ; n = 5 ;
A = randi([0 1],m,n) ;
B = zeros(size(A)) ;
for i = 1:m
idx = find(A(i,:)==1) ;
B(i,idx(1))= 1;
There might be more elegant solution.