MATLAB: Deinterleave for rasperry pi in Simulink

raspberry pi + simulink + deinterleavesimulink

HI all I'm doing the barcode reader using Rasperry Pi and Simulink. I'm stucking in separate the image into RGB like Deinterleave that can be used for Texas Instrument C6000. Is there any similar thing like that for Raspberry Pi? Thank you very much for any help

Best Answer

Raspberry Pi V4L2 Video Capture block can output images in planar RGB or YCbCr 4:2:2 formats. For barcode scanning, I would think that you want to use a YCbCr output and perform barcode detection on the Y component. Since data is in planar format, you should not need to de-interleave the image at all.
Are you getting the image data from somewhere else where it is interleaved? What is the format of the input?
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