MATLAB: Definite integration in matlab with the limits changing

numerical integration

Hello @all -how can i achieve this:-
%Integrate the function with changing limit
%limit of intigration
lowerlimit=0, upperlimit=z;
% Please note upperlimit z is a array & z varies from 0 to some positive value,let say 5.
f=(-1.99)/(1.99-2*exp(-0.01*u)-1.98*exp(-2*u)); % u is a dummy variable
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Try this:
f = @(u) (-1.99)./(1.99-2*exp(-0.01*u)-1.98*exp(-2*u)); % u is a dummy variable
z = 0 : 5;
for k1 = 1:numel(z)
intf(k1) = integral(f, 0, z(k1));
You could also use the arrayfun function. The loop is much faster than arrayfun.
Experiment to get the result you want.
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