MATLAB: Definite integral with an exponential

definite integrationintegrationintegration functionnumerical integration

I need to integrate this function f=wn.*exp(1i.*2.*pi.*t) to get the numerical result, where the variable function is t, and wn=1. Evalue limits are 0 to 0.9. Can somebody help me?

Best Answer

Your question seems to have changed. With respect to ‘wn(t)’ see my Comment in your original Question.
Try this:
syms wn t u_lim wn(t)
wn(t) = sym(1);
f = wn*exp(1i*2.*pi*t);
cplx_int = int(f, t, 0, 0.9)
cplx_int_n = vpa(cplx_int)
abs_cplx_int_n = abs(cplx_int_n)
cplx_int =
-(5^(1/2)*1i + (10 - 2*5^(1/2))^(1/2) - 3i)/(8*pi)
cplx_int_n =
- 0.093548928378863903321291906615298 + 0.03039588939177436951706748797891i
abs_cplx_int_n =