MATLAB: Defining function handles in MATLAB

functionlive scriptMATLAB

How might I define a function handle?
For example, I want to define a function f(x)=2*x^3+7*x^2+x
I want MATLAB to evaluate f(x) at random values x. I have heard of feval and fhandles, but I don't know how to do it.

Best Answer

Hi, Richard.
To evaluate f(x) at different values of x, you can create an .m file and write this code:
function y = f(x)
y = 2 * (x^3) + 7 * (x^2) + x;
If you save the file under the name 'f.m', you can run the function by typing this code in the Command Window or a separate .m file.
x = randi(7);
y = f(x)
The randi function above generates a 1-by-5 row vector of random integers between 1 and 10. The values returned by f are stored in a 1-by-5 row vector y.
For more information about creating functions, see:
You can create a handle to the function f with an @ sign. For example, create a handle named myHandle as follows:
myHandle = @f;
Now you can run f indirectly by using its handle.
y = myHandle(x)
For more information about function handles, see: