MATLAB: Define which loops are streamed in HDL coder

HDL Coderhdl resourceslooploop streamingloop unrollingstreamunroll

I am using the HDLcoder in Matlab2016a to implement a neural network on an FPGA. To control the resource consumption it would be perfect to individually control which loops are streamed and which ones are unrolled. Here is a short example:
function [ out ] = Layer( in, fak, neurons )
F = fimath('RoundingMethod','Floor','OverflowAction','Wrap','ProductMode','KeepMSB');
temp = fi(zeros(neurons,1),0,in.WordLength,in.WordLength/2,F);
for jj = 1:neurons
for ii = 1:length(in)
temp(jj) = fi(temp(jj)+in(ii)*fak(ii),0,in.WordLength,in.WordLength/2,F);
out = temp;
Is it possible to stream the inner loop(index ii) and unroll the outer loop(index jj) in order to end up with 3 DSPs working parallel generating the output? Or is it possible to influence the arrangement of the hardware implementation in any way?
Thanks Roland

Best Answer

Hi Roland,
Yes, this is possible by using Coder pragmas. By using the coder.hdl.loopspec() pragma, you can control which loop(s) get streamed. You can combine it with the coder.unroll() pragma to get the desired results:
function [ out ] = Layer( in, fak, neurons )
F = fimath('RoundingMethod','Floor','OverflowAction','Wrap','ProductMode','KeepMSB');
temp = fi(zeros(neurons,1),0,in.WordLength,in.WordLength/2,F);
for jj = coder.unroll(1:neurons)
for ii = 1:length(in)
temp(jj) = fi(temp(jj)+in(ii)*fak(ii),0,in.WordLength,in.WordLength/2,F);
out = temp;
Hope that helps,