MATLAB: Define end of line (eol) as unix (\n) not Windows (\r\n) using writecell

end of lineeolwindows (cr lf) to uni (lf)writecell

I've got a cell of strings I'd like to write to a text file using the writecell funciton, however, the end of line (eol or newline or line break) is in Windows format (\r\n or CR LF) but I need it to be in Unix (\n or LF).
I'm using Windows OS.
Code to generate text file output:
my_cell_of_strings = [{"Some string"}; {"Another string"}];
writecell(my_cell_of_strings, 'testEOL.', 'FileType','text', 'QuoteStrings', false)
Then e.g. opening in Notepad++ I can see the format is Windows (CR LF) but I need Unix (LF)
I see dlmwrite has the Name-Value pair 'newline' ( but writecell doesn't seem to.
Are there any simple solutions?
(I can open in Notepad++ and convert eol but it's not really feasible for many files so needing to do it programatically).
(I could use a loop and fprintf etc. but like the convenience of writecell)
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

What about writing directly?
C = [{"Some string"}; {"Another string"}];
fid = fopen('testEOL.txt', 'w');
fprintf(fid, '%s\n', C{:});