MATLAB: Define a set of independent variables for fitlm


Suppose I have a table T with labels
visitors price proxy_January proxy_February proxy_March
I want to run a regression
visitors = a + b*price + c_1*proxy_January + …
A brute force way is to write down
X=[T.price T.proxy_January (then the rest of proxy variables)]
and run
mdl = fitlm(X,T.visitors)
But I would like to have Matlab to write down all the proxy variables instaad of me listing all by hand.
I understand that I can get the list of labels with T.Properties.VariableNames but I need to get the list of labels and data. Please advise.

Best Answer

X = T{:,2:end};
mdl = fitlm(X,T.visitors)
If ‘T’ has only numeric variables, that should work. .