MATLAB: Default plot settings for fplot and errorbar

default settingserrorbarfigurefplotMATLABplot

I found that the default plot settings that apply to plots in general don't apply to certain types of plots.
For example:
set(groot, 'DefaultLineLineWidth', 5);
gives the expected result with an increased line width.
set(groot, 'DefaultLineLineWidth', 5);
keep default line width. The same thing happens with fplot.
Is it a bug or is it the expected behavior?
Does anyone know how to change the default line width for errorbar or fplot?

Best Answer

Instead of doing:
set(groot, 'DefaultLineLineWidth', 5);
use the following:
set(groot, 'DefaultErrorBarLineWidth', 5);
The documentation page here shows the syntax for specifying default values: 'default' + ObjectType + PropertyName. If you run:
p = plot(1:10)
you can see that p is a "Line" object, whereas running:
e = errorbar(1:10,1:10)
shows that e is an object of type "ErrorBar" with its own default settings for LineWidth.