MATLAB: Default figure color order

default colorfigure

I have a figure with two data sets, one is blue and the other is dark green. I didn't specify the colors. I need to find out what the colors are so that when I make other figures and can keep the color constant, data set one = blue, data set two = dark green.
Everything I read online about color is for making color gradients, I just need to figure out what the default color values are. Thanks!

Best Answer

Here is some info to supplement what Image Analyst quoted from the help file:
h = plot(1:10,1:10,1:10,2:11);
c = get(h,'Color')
Here, I've used the plot command with an output, which is the "handle" to the plotted lines. Then I "get" the colors of those lines. "c" is a cell array with one element per line. Each element of c is an RGB vector (1x3) specifying the value of the color.