MATLAB: Deep Learning Speech Recognition Example, Problem with designAuditoryFilterBank

Audio Toolboxdeep learningdeep learning speech recognitio

I am trying to run the Deep Learning Speech Recognition Example (see link: and I am having a proble with designAuditoryFilterBank. The error that I am getting is: "Undefined function or variable 'designAuditoryFilterBank'."
I check to see if I have Audio toolbox installed and I do….

Best Answer

If you look at the end of the documentation page for the designAuditoryFilterBank function it says that this function was introduced in release R2019b. I suspect you're using an older release.
The online documentation is for the current release (right now that is release R2019b) so if you're using an older release you might want to check when the function you're trying to use was introduced, or check the documentation included as part of your local installation.
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