MATLAB: De-noising blocky signal

blocky signalde-noisinghaarrectpulsewavelet

Hello everyone,
I have a signal and would like to transform it into a blocky signal. I looked into the wavelet toolbox and into the rectpulse function but I couldn't find a proper solution yet.
In the screenshot you can see my original signal and the desired result indicated in red. My signal is attached as well. Is there an easy way to achieve this?
I'm looking forward to your ideas.

Best Answer

I'd just just do something trivially simple here.
First, apply movstd. You want sequences where the curve is essentially constant. So a moving standard deviation on blocks of length 20 is a good start.
movlen = 20;
smov = movstd(g,[0,movlen-1]);
ans =
So it looks like I can find essentially constant blocks. I'll just take the first block that movstd found with a standard deviation
hold on
movlen = 20;
smov = movstd(g,[0,movlen - 1]); % forward window, of length movlen
tol = prctile(smov,50);
blocks = zeros(0,3);
bend = 0;
ng = numel(g);
nb = 0;
while true
bstart = bend + find(smov(bend+1:(end - (movlen - 1))) <= tol,1,'first');
if isempty(bstart)
bend = bstart + movlen - 1;
glevel = mean(g(bstart:bend));
% accept the next point in the series as part of this
% constant block if it is within tol*2 from glevel
while ((bend + 1) <= ng) && (abs(g(bend+1) - glevel) < (2*tol))
bend = bend + 1;
glevel = mean(g(bstart:bend));
nb = nb + 1;
blocks(nb,:) = [bstart bend, glevel];
% add to the plot
grid on
These blocks were identified, where the series was essentially constant.
blocks =
83 142 3.796
189 224 0.74361
226 245 1.0945
266 299 0.74265
301 335 0.28457
355 377 4.1491
394 460 4.1478
479 499 4.0829
566 594 4.1121
595 706 4.0629
743 766 0.59833
767 826 0.6795
835 857 0.71696
886 965 4.1666
966 1080 4.0353
1084 1188 4.022
1196 1226 1.5977
1260 1291 4.0637
1301 1374 1.5273
1375 1405 1.6977
1420 1440 1.7762
1443 1464 0.45545
1479 1505 1.5411
1509 1536 1.055
1537 1629 0.80301
1639 1692 3.9861
1693 1789 3.9074
1821 1840 4.0813
Feel free to pick your own choice for the tolerance and window lengths. As you drew that plot to show your goal, my guess is you would want longer windows, with a somewhat larger tolerance.