MATLAB: DCS parallel config validation – make the scratch directory during validation otherwise validation fails (any workarounds)

configurationdcsMATLAB Parallel ServerParallel Computing Toolboxremotedatalocation

DCS 128 node license
Parallel configuration - Parallel Submit function in the configuration manager is parallelSubmitFcn- {@parallelSubmitFcn, 'cluster.*******.***.edu', '/lustre/scratch/USERID/matlab'}
However If the folder /lustre/scratch/USERID/matlab does not exist, validation of the parallel configuration fails. Is there anyway to create the folder using 'mkdir' just before the validation runs.
once it is made it can always be used by Matlab.
Right now we ask Users to ssh and create the folder but was wondering if the there was way to automate it before validation as 'validation' is the first step users perform before using MATLAB on our cluster.
P.S.- Have looked into the Submit scripts tailored for our cluster parallelSubmitFcn.m , distributedSubmitFcn.m, findResource.m and the validateConfig.m in the distcomp toolbox but could not find a place to make the directory.

Best Answer

This request has been added as an enhancement form a future release..