MATLAB: Datevector conversion from Excel to Matlab


I'm trying to convert an long Excel-format date array and the conversion I normally use is returning incorrect values. The date starts at 3/1/1942.
The format in excel is: 3/1/1942 1:00:00 AM
Below are my lines to import and convert to MATLAB Date Vector and Datenum. I've cleaned up the dataset to only include the date vector from excel. So, ignore the txt, and raw variables.
%% Define file location, and load into the workspace.
stafiles_WGA = 'datevec_raw.xlsx';
% Read the data.
[num_WGA, txt_WGA, raw_WGA] = xlsread(stafiles_WGA); % Creates three variables. A number (double), raw (cell), and txt (cell).
% Note that the 'txt' and 'raw' variables contain the decriptions of the columns.
% Rename the numerical matrix and remove the upper row that originally contained the data headers.
sta_WGA = num_WGA;
datevec_WGA = datetime(sta_WGA,'ConvertFrom','excel');
date_num_WGA = datenum(datevec_WGA);
Any idea what I'm not catching?

Best Answer

I would read them in this way:
data = readtable('datevec_raw.xlsx','ReadVariableNames',false);